One of the small positives of lock down earlier this year, was that it gave us time to get around to the jobs we’ve been meaning to do for ages but haven’t had time to do. We re-pointed the cobble path, decorated inside the barn and even replaced a couple of windows.
Slightly less physical, but one of those jobs we had never completed was to update our welcome guide. And given the changes we had to make in this post COVID world, we decided to make it a fully digital option, packed with all the information that guests could need.
Many years ago, we had a self catering holiday in Abruzzo, Italy and one of the stand outs was the fantastic guide full of local tips and ideas of places to visit that the owner had written. We also remembered an Air BNB host in New York who shared his little black book of restaurants and places to eat; we went to some of the most amazing places we’d have never found ourselves and had some incredible food. We particularly remember a Mexican restaurant which served the most delicious food and best ever margaritas. Ian was the only straight man in the place, and Jackie the only woman – we could have not been made more welcome.
So after much researching and many hours of work, we’re delighted to have the first Long Barn digital welcome guide. We’ve packed it full tips for guests and will continue to update it. It includes where to eat, places to visit, our favourite walks, recommended caterers and activities tailored for guests that we can organise. It even has a virtual welcome from Ian to show guests the basics of how the Long Barn works from the Quooker tap to the heating.
The guide is organised into lots of sections for guests to navigate around. Click on the map button on the bottom bar and the guide opens up a local map of the area which means you can easily see where everything is relative to the Long Barn. If you have the guide on your phone you can use this Google map to navigate your way to the Long Barn. There is also a search function to help you quickly find important information e.g. the Wifi code.
We’ve not included anything that we don’t recommend 100% ourselves and will continue to update it so it’s the best it can be to help guests make the most of their stay in the Long Barn.
We’d like to thank our friends and family who’ve feedback on the information, spotted spelling mistakes and corrected our grammar. Please let us know you spot anything we’ve missed.
So click on this link, and take a look.
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